I LOVE to create!
I try to do at least one thing every day that won't get "undone" by time or the kids! (it was a good way to stay sane during my children's growing up years!)
Well, time moves on, but I have found that my love to be creative hasn't changed much over the years. It doesn't matter if it's fabric, paints, wood, windows, embroidery floss or embroidery thread. I just like to be creative.
This past two years, I've found that I like to create patterns. I really don't have the need to design them for money, but rather for pleasure. I've also found that I like to share the patterns with others.
The following are items that I've designed thus far, and have written the patterns. if you'd like a copy of the pattern, please email me at shaggymountainquilts@gmail.com and I'd be happy to send you the pattern!
(and I'll apologize ahead of time. Some of the pictures are sideways. I never claimed to be creative in the computer department, so you'll have to forgive the pictures. Hopefully you'll be able to see the designs!)

"Forget Not"

"I WiLL Stand in Holy Places"
Young Women 2013 Sampler
Details of Doll Ideas with hands, faces, arm position, hair
More Details of Doll Ideas
"Stand in Holy Places" Pillowcase Embroidery Sampler
"Stand in Holy Places" 8x8 quilt square Embroidery Sampler
The above sampler is on sugardoodle.net and you can get the download at the above web address!
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